Everwood - Spoilers

Premières infos sur la saison 4

Durant les derniers mois, Andy et son fils se sont, tout les deux, sentis à l'étroit dans la petite ville d'Everwood. L'agitation et son ressentiment envers son père ont poussés Ephram à partir en Europe. Et les problèmes familliaux ont poussé Amy a retarder son entrée à Princeton. Pendant ce temps, Nina, la meilleure amie du docteur Brown a emménagé avec le docteur Jake Hartman qui s'est transformé en entrepreneur en rachetant le Mama Joy. Avec tout ces changements le docteur Brown se demande si sa place se trouve toujours à Everwood ou à Chicago où un important poste lui a été promis. Mais cette année, le père et le fils seront face à d'importantes décisions concernant leur avenir et le choix d'Ephram sera le plus dur : construire sa vie autre part ou retourner vers son ancienne vie et vers Amy, celle qu'il aime. Pour Andy le problème est de construire quelque chose de nouveau mais peut être bien quelque part loin d'Everwood.

 Le premier grand changement concerne le créneau horaire. Dorénavant, Everwood sera diffusé le jeudi à 21h sur la WB. La raison évoquée est simple, la chaîne a maintenant 11 ans et grandi et compte renforcer sa soirée du jeudi afin d'augmenter ses recettes publicitaires. Le jeudi est la soirée où les pubs rapportent le plus car c'est à ce moment là que sont diffusés les nouvelles bandes annonces de film.

Vanessa Taylor après avoir quitté l'équipe des scénaristes pour travailler sur "Jack & Bobby" reviendra écrire pour Everwood dans cette quatrième saison. Vanessa Taylor avait écrit quelques uns des meilleurs épisodes de la saison 1 dont "My funny Valentine".

Voici les premières photos promo de la campagne de pub de la saison 2005-06 de la WB :

Infos sur les nouvelles intrigues

Première info importante, Gregory Smith ne devrait pas apparaître dans le season premiere. Le retour d'Ephram se fera plus tard durant la saison.

Scott Wolf (Dr. Jake) et Sarah Drew (Hannah) reviendront lors de la saison 4 de façon régulière.

La production cherche un nouvel acteur pour interpréter un rôle important durant la saison 4. Celui ci se nommera Reid et est décrit comme un étudiant en dernière année de médecine et un potentiel petit ami pour Amy. Pour le moment, le choix semble se porter sur l'acteur Charles Duckworth que l'on a pu voir dans la 11e saison d'urgences. Voici sa photo de ce possible nouveau résident d'Everwood : Charles Duckworth

Everwood à l'heure juive ? En effet, il semble que la saison 4 utilisera certains fêtes juives comme cadre pour ses intrigues. Il sera notamment question que Delia fête sa bat mitzvah, autrement dit son passage à l'âge adulte selon la tradition juive. Il devrait être beaucoup question de Delia et de sa recherche de foi en ce début de saison 4.


Le 28 juin 2005


Rina Mimoun a annoncé que la saison 4 commencerait par un mariage et une grande scène de baiser à l'aéroport. Qui sera impliqué dans ces scènes ? Mystère.

Des rumeurs sur le web annonce que Reid ne serait pas un "love interest" pour Amy mais pour ... Bright.

Il n'y a aucun plan pour l'instant pour faire revenir Sarah Lancaster en saison 4.

Deux extraits de scènes avec Reid sont disponibles, elles viennent apparement du season premiere

La 1er scène est entre Amy et Reid. On, y apprend notament qu'Amy a finalement décidé d'aller à l'université du Colorado afin de rester près de sa famille et que Reid est un étudiant en médecinde 21 ans.


Amy flips through a magazine, i-pod in place, waiting for her mom to emerge from her chemo treatment.

GUY’S VOICE (O.S.): Amy!

But she doesn’t hear it (i-pod and all) so we see the hand tap her shoulder. She drops one of the head phones out of her ear and turns around to find:

REID BARDEM, 21, and hot as hell even in scrubs, which happens to be what he’s wearing. Amy instantly turns red and fumbly. So this is what Amy looks like when she has a crush.

AMY: Reid! Hi. Hey. Hello there.

REID: Hey. I’m glad you’re here - -

AMY: You are?

REID: Yeah. Today’s my last day. I wanted to make sure I got to say goodbye. You send your mom lots of love for me, okay?

AMY: Why are you leaving? I mean, where are you going?

REID: School starts next week. And since I got screwed on my housing, they’re letting me cut out of the program here early so I can find a place to live.

AMY: Wow. So, you won’t be at the hospital anymore. Like, ever?

REID: Not until I’m an actual doctor. Which could take forever, so - -

AMY: I’m sure it won’t. You’ve been so good with my mom all summer. And you never even dropped a bedpan. (off his confusion) Remember? When we had that bedpan joke? Like, two weeks ago?

REID: Oh right. Right. . .

AMY: (not letting him leave) So where are you going to med school?

REID: Colorado A&M. So not too far away - -

AMY: Get out! That’s where I’m going. I mean, for regular college.

REID: You’re an undergrad there?

AMY: Yeah. Undergrad. I’m an undergrad.

REID: What dorm are you in?

AMY: Oh, I’m not doing the dorm thing. With my mom and all that - -

REID: Oh, right. That makes sense. (then, sincere) You’re a good daughter.

Earning another blush from Amy. Then, a lightbulb:

AMY: Omigod. You should totally live with my brother. He just got this awesome apartment back in Everwood and he’s looking for a roommate - -

REID: Where’s Everwood?

AMY: You’ve never been? Oh, it’s great. It’s only 25 minutes from A&M and it’s like … homey even if you’re not from there? You know, ‘cause it’s small. Well, not small. More like quaint. But not in a lame, grandma way. I mean my grandma’s a biker. Seriously. She has a Harley. (then, exhausted by herself) I can give you his number.

REID: Awesome. Thanks, cutie.

La deuxième scène se passe entre Bright et Reid dans le nouvel appartement de Bright


Bright is now showing an impressed Reid around the apartment.

REID: Your sister was right. This place is awesome. You wouldn’t believe some of the crap out there. I saw a studio the size of your bathroom, they were asking twelve hundred a month.

BRIGHT: I know. I’ve met about twenty people who’ve said the same thing.

REID: Twenty people? Damn . . . (then, noticing) And that is a decent sized closet. I could actually fit stuff in there.

BRIGHT: Look, Reid, before you start getting all excited about how where you’re gonna put your shoe rack, I gotta be honest - - I just don’t see it.

REID: Seriously? Because I think I could fit like five shoe racks in there - -

BRIGHT: No, I mean you and me living together. I just don’t see it. You’re obviously all kinds of intellectualized, being in med school and everything. And some people might consider that a bonus. Sadly, I am not some people.

REID: (smiles, amused) Oh, no?

BRIGHT: Dude, I’m only two years younger than you, and I’m just psyched that I got myself enrolled in some JC classes. But I’m betting you probably do the whole “Read the morning paper” thing, with like, coffee and donuts - - although donuts are cool . . .

REID: Hey, Bright. Don’t even worry about it. I get it.

BRIGHT: You do? Cool. (then, confused) Wait, what do you get?

REID: You’ve met twenty people so far. You’re obviously not looking for just any roommate.

Bright considers that for a minute. Then, almost surprised:

BRIGHT: You’re right. I guess I’m not. I’ve kinda been waiting for my best friend to get his act together and come home from wherever the hell he is.

REID: You don’t know where your best friend is, but you’re not renting out your extra room in case he comes home and decides to move in with you?

BRIGHT: It sounds worse when you say it out loud like that.

Reid laughs. Bright smiles. The guy is charming even on other men.

REID: Nah. It sounds like every complicated relationship I’ve ever had. (then, noticing) Is that the guy?

Reid points to the framed picture of Bright and Colin.

BRIGHT: Huh? Oh, no . . . Different guy.

REID: (inspecting the photo) Damn, he looks just like Doug.

BRIGHT: Who’s Doug?

REID: My old partner. He moved out to Boston for school this year. Really sucked.

Reid continues inspecting the apartment as Bright puts two and two together. Reid. Is. GAY. Then, correcting him:

BRIGHT: Sorry to hear that. But Colin and I were just friends, so - -

REID: (cutting him off) Bright, I am late for like, six different appointments right now. So I’m gonna let you mull or whatever you need to do, and leave you with one final thought – I own a plasma TV. Big one. Would actually fit perfect on that nice, bare wall you got there. (big smile) So think about it, lemme know. And hey, whatever happens, good luck with your friend. I know how that goes, believe me. It’s hard making new best friends after a certain point in your life. It’s like, how do you catch ‘em up on everything they missed already?

BRIGHT: Yeah. Exactly.

REID: I figure, you do the best you can to keep the old ones tight, and every new friend you make from here on out, they’re just part of the bonus round. (then) Catch you later, man.


Le 14 juillet 2005

Le season premiere de la saison 4 s'intitulera "A kiss to built a dream on"

Les spéculations vont bon train au sujet de l'homosexualité présumée du personnage de Reid mais rien n'est certain pour le moment. Il pourrait par contre devenir le colocataire de Bright. Une chose est certaine, l'acteur Charles Duckworth présenti pour le rôle a finalement été écarté car jugé trop jeune pour le rôle.

Il serait bel et bien question de mariage dans ce season premiere. La fête du mariage se passera chez Gino Chang et le docteur Abbott y portera un toast. Qui sont les heureux élus ? Toujours aucune indication là dessus.

De nouveaux morceaux du script sont disponibles :

Cette scène suit apparement la scène précédente, toujours entre Amy et Reid :

AMY: Yeah. Undergrad. I’m an undergrad.

REID: What dorm are you in?

AMY: Oh, I’m not doing the dorm thing. With my mom and all that - -

REID: Oh, right. That makes sense. (then, sincere) You’re a good daughter.

Earning another blush from Amy. Then, a lightbulb:

AMY: Omigod. You should totally live with my brother. He just got this awesome apartment back in Everwood and he’s looking for a roommate - -

REID: Where’s Everwood?

AMY: You’ve never been? Oh, it’s great. It’s only 25 minutes from A&M and it’s like … homey even if you’re not from there? You know, ‘cause it’s small. Well, not small. More like quaint. But not in a lame, grandma way. I mean my grandma’s a biker. Seriously. She has a Harley. (then, exhausted by herself) I can give you his number.

REID: That’d be great.

She quickly grabs her pen and notebook from her bag and starts writing it down, just as ROSE is wheeled out by a NURSE.

NURSE: Amy . . .

Amy wheels around, instantly switching into “cancer” mode.

AMY: (CONT’D) (to Reid) Sorry. I have to take care of this.

REID: Of course - -

AMY: There’s just always so much information . . . (to Rose, overly mothering) How are you doint? Are you okay?

ROSE: I’d be better if you didn’t use that baby voice on me.

AMY: (quietly, to Reid) She’s always like this right after. It takes a lot out of her.

REID: Understandable. (then, to Rose) You take care of yourself, Mrs. A.

He gives her a kiss on the cheek and heads off. Amy checks that booty one last time before turning back to the nurse.

AMY: It seemed shorter today.

NURSE: A little. And you know, Wednesday is her last chemo appointment, so - -

AMY: I know, but then how long until we can get the CT scan?

ROSE: Amy, let’s do this later. I’m tired - -

AMY: (mothering) Just two minutes, okay? (then, back to the nurse) I understand you can’t take out the port-a-cath until the scan comes back clean? Is that right?

NURSE: Actually, we’ll probably want to do a PET scan instead of a CT.

AMY: What does the PET scan do? What does PET scan even mean?

Amy starts jotting down notes - - something she’s clearly been doing all summer long. Rose looks mildly annoyed by it all.

NURSE: It stands for Positron Emission Tomography. You can talk to your dad about it, but basically, if there’s any fibrous tissue left over from the cancer, the PET scan will be able to tell us if it’s active or not.

AMY: And how long will that scan take?

ROSE: Oh for heaven’s sake. . .

NURSE: We won’t be able to do it for at least six weeks. Call Doctor Chao. She’ll go over everything you need to know.

AMY: Okay. Thanks. You ready Mom?

ROSE: I’ve been ready for ten minutes.

Amy smiles patiently, which only irks Rose more.

AMY: Then let’s hit it.

As Amy begins wheeling her mother away, we PUSH IN on Rose, exhausted and looking somewhat harder than last year . . .


Une autre scène dans l'appartement de Bright, cette fois ci entre Bright et une certaine Yoli :


Bright is leading a ridiculously hot girl, YOLI, around the half-furnished apartment. She’s clearly more interested in Bright than the apartment.

BRIGHT: The rooms are both about the same size, but there’s only one bathroom, which means we’d have to share - -

YOLI: I have no problem with that.

She smiles. He smiles. Are they flirting?

BRIGHT: So what kind of name is Yoli anyway?

YOLI: Greek. And I know it’s a cliché, but I actually make an incredible falafel. I could show you, if I lived here. (throwing the sex eye) Or, even if I didn’t . . .

BRIGHT: I’m actually thinking of becoming vegetarian for a while. But thanks.

Yup, still Bright. As he goes back to her application:

BRIGHT: (CONT’D) Well, this all looks good. You don’t smoke, don’t listen to smooth jazz and you don’t mind if I leave the seat up. Which just leaves one last question.

YOLI: Oh yeah? What’s that?

Bright pulls a postcard out of his back pocket, hands it to her.

BRIGHT: Can you read what’s under that scribble?

YOLI: Huh?

BRIGHT: See, I got this postcard from my friend - -

YOLI: (inspecting the card) Oo, a Jamaican cruise. How fun - -

BRIGHT: Yeah, that part doesn’t matter. We’re focusing on the scribble and what’s written underneath it.

YOLI: I just see a “Hi” and smiley face.

BRIGHT: Obviously I can see the “Hi” and the smiley face. I’m talking about the scribble. Like she was starting to write something, then scribbled it out.

YOLI: It just says: Hi. SmileyFace. Hannah. (then) Who’s Hannah?

Bright sighs, taking the postcard back.

BRIGHT: I gotta tell ya, I just don’t see this working out, Yoli. But thanks.


Le toast du docteur Abbott lors de la fête de mariage :


TIGHT on a fork clanging against a water glass, signifying a toast is on the way. PAN UP from the glass to find Abbott, relishing his moment:

DOCTOR ABBOTT: Friends, family, recent additions, we are here tonight to celebrate a truly unique couple.

PAN ACROSS the table to find: Amy, Bright, Rose . . .

DOCTOR ABBOTT: (CONT’D) Commitment has become somewhat of a dying art form. Thus, it is rare indeed to find two people who are willing to throw caution to the wind in these uncertain times.

27 juillet 2005

Comme indiqué dans les news, le personnage de Reid Bardem sera finalement interprété par Justin Baldoni Voici une photo de Justin. Comme annoncé précédement, Reid sera un étudiant en médecine et il deviendra le colocataire de Bright mais également d'Ephram de retour d'Europe. Les rumeurs vont toujours bon train sur la possible homosexualité de Reid mais rien n'est confirmé.

L'épisode 4.02 devrait appeler "Put on a Happy Face". Dans celui ci, Andy s'occupera d'un jeune garçon qui est sous antidépresseurs depuis la mort de son frère dans un accident voiture.

Ephram reviendra de voyage dans le quatrième épisode de la saison.

Ephram pourrait donner des cours de piano à un jeune garçon de 13 ans nommé Kyle dont le rêve est d'intégrer Julliard. Kyle est décrit comme un jeune garçon rebelle, ressemblant beaucoup à Ephram.



31 août 2005

Les 4 premiers épisodes de la saison s'appelleront :

4.01 : A Kiss to Build a Dream On
4.02 : The Next Step
4.03 : Put On A Happy Face
4.04 : Pieces Of Me

Voici les premières photos officielles du season premiere, "A kiss to built a dream on" : Photo saison 4


25 septembre 2005

De toutes nouvelles photos du 2e épisode de la saison 4 suivent de sortir, de quoi vous donner un avant goût des épisodes à venir : Photo du 4.02 "Next step"